¿Así o más perfecta? Michelle Lewin presumió su espectacular abdomen??

La famosa modelo y empresaria fitness venezolana deslumbró a sus seguidores con su perfecto abdomen 1 min

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La famosa modelo fitness venezolana demostró a través de su cuenta de Instagram que con disciplina todo se logra, pues con una imagen que deja bien claro lo buena que está explicó todo sobre los abdominales.

Modelando de perfil Lewin posó para su fotografía en Instagram donde le dio consejos a todos sus seguidores de cómo lograr ese abdomen deseado.

Con un texto bastante detallado Michelle dio su clase fitness del día, sin embargo no fue precisamente su mensaje lo que logró cautivar y atraer a su audiencia, pues su innegable «cuerpazo» hizo que todos se detuvieran para darle like.

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The truth is: we all got abs! READ THIS???? -The difference between visable abs and “no abs at all” is the amount of fat in between the ab muscles and the skin. Everybody can go to the gym to lift weights, but not everybody can control the diet. It doesn’t just happen, you have to make a choice. You have to set a goal, and STICK TO IT. Now the question is… do you have the discipline to do it? Maybe you didn’t know it… but, YES YOU DO! Need some tips? Ok, here we go: 1. Get used to not having "bad" food at home. No matter how strong you think you are… you will eat it. Make it more complicated for yourself so you won't fall for the temptations. 2. Do it together! In a relation, it will get so much easier if you strive for the same goal: a healthier you. If your partner refuses, ask him to please respect your struggle and don't eat the pizza straight infront of you. It's a matter for respect and understanding. It's like drinking infront of an alcoholic who want to become sober. Or smoke in front of a chainsmoker who wants to quit. But many don't see it that way since it's "just" food. 3. Plan the day before what you will eat the next day. You will do yourself a favor so you don't have to make decisions when you are hungry. Those decision will never turn out the way you would want them. I am one of those: I never let myself become hungry because I can't control myself. It’s probably an instinct so strong it’s, at least for me, uncontrollable??‍♀️ 4. If you need help with what to eat, and how much to eat: contact a nutritionist. Or, even easier and way cheaper, download the app MEALPLAN and let me help you customize a plan for you based on how you answer all the questions I will ask you when registering. It's worth it, trust me. Link to the app Mealplan in my bio (also in Spanish, iPhone iPad only, sorry?) Questions???‍♀️

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57 shares, 14 points